The first bell ringing is the symbol of Chinese New Year. 第一次钟声是春节的象征。
The "first" library that defines the symbol is the one that gets used. “第一个”定义符号的库将被使用。
First, a symbol is an identifier preceded by a colon. 首先,symbol是前置有冒号的一个标识符。
Also, it should be pointed out that Olive Oyl was the first anorexic sex symbol. 需要指出的是女主角奥利弗也许是第一个厌食症患者。
Yet, like the Eiffel Tower, a piece of public art that is hated at first may become a cherished symbol over time. 但是像埃菲尔铁塔这样起初受到冷遇的公共艺术品,随着时间的推移也可能会成为人们珍视的象征。
It is the first symBol of fair Business to mark the prices clearly. 明码实价,买卖公平的第一标志。
Alpine Mountain is the first in Hainan, the Hainan Island is a symbol, is also one of China's famous mountains, the International Tourism Organization as A-class tourist spot. 五指山是海南第一高山,是海南岛的象征,也是我国名山之一,被国际旅游组织列为A级旅游点。
The spiral is repeating, so when you get to the end, the symbol that was first in line will seamlessly follow the last symbol. 这个符号螺旋是循环的,所以当旋转至最后一个符号图标时,原来排在第一位的符号图标会无缝跟在最后一个后面。
The first stage is from 1979-1980, the symbol is that Japan Export and Import Bank set a branch in Beijing in 1979.During this stage, the foreign bank can not set independent branch. 其中,1979&1980年为第一阶段,其标志就是1979年,日本输出入银行在北京设立代表处。在这一阶段,外资银行还不能直接设立独立的营业性分支机构。
The first chapter discusses symbol in primitive society. 第一章主要从发生学角度讨论原始社会中象征的情形。
The first part researches the apparel symbol attribute. 论文的第一章是针对服装的符号属性的研究。
First of all, through investigating human symbol development and primitive function of symbol activity, Susanne. 她首先论证了表现性符号与推理性符号具有同等重要的地位。她通过考察人类符号活动的最初发展和原始功能,证明表现性符号有着如同推理性符号一样的抽象功能。
In the first part, some fundamental theorem 、 symbol 、 concept are introduced, including some valuable results on linear positive operators. 第一部分简单介绍了本文所涉及到的一些基本定理、符号、概念,以及一些与正线性算子有关的成果。
In such situation, the current consuming culture presents following several characteristics: first, symbol consumption play more and more important role in our daily life; 在这样的情况下,当前的消费文化呈现出以下几个特征:一是符号的消费在人们生活中越来越重要;
The first fault can be tested through defining the symbol of first fault in the program. 在系统初始化程序中插入键短路检测程序可判断键的故障。首发故障使用程序中定义首发故障标志而诊断。
An Extraction Method for the First Letter of Phonetic Symbol Based on Standard Chinese Character 标准汉字库字符的拼音首字母自动提取
This paper surveyed the main theory of Chinese cultural linguistics at first, and explained the visual symbol system of Chinese classical gardening by means of gardening semiotics method: Morphology is used in the research of the morphological characters of the visual factors of gardening; 本文首先概述了中国文化语言学的主要理论,然后以园林符号学方法体系,对中国古典园林视觉符号系统进行比较解读:词法解读,研究园林环境景观视觉元素的形态特点;
This paper presents an extraction method for the first letter of phonetic symbol based on the first and second level Chinese character base through analyzing the coding of character. And a corresponding function is also designed in order to satisfy the need of application system. 通过对汉字内码的剖析,提出针对一、二级汉字库字符拼音首字母的提取方法,并设计相应函数,以满足应用系统的开发需要。
First of all, it is the symbol of the human nature and paganism; 首先,看林人是自然人性与异教精神的象征;
The first Narrative symbol of city image film for structural analysis, discusses the visual symbols and symbol of sound in the city image of the film in the role of. 首先对城市形象片的叙事符号进行结构主义分析,论述视觉符号和声音符号在城市形象片中所起的作用。
On the origins issue, we carry out an inspection focus on two sides: one is the specific time when the armorial inscription appearing on the bronze wares; the other is the character can be traced back to when the first mark or symbol emerged. 关于渊源问题,我们主要从两个方面进行了考察:一是族徽文字在青铜器上出现的具体时代;二是族徽文字出现最早能追溯到什么时候。
The program function modules are designed at first, including fault alarm and symbol table. And then, the principal PLC programs are finished, including main program, soft-start subprogram, the reactive power compensation subprogram and touch screen software design. 首先设计程序功能模块、故障报警和符号表,然后完成了PLC主要程序包括主程序、软起动子程序、无功补偿子程序及触摸屏软件程序的设计,给出了程序流程图和触摸屏界面。
In chapter 3, we first demonstrate the relationship of product symbol and consumption, and the point out that the social root of product symbol is symbolic consumption. And we also sort product symbol base on different kind of consumer needs. 第三章阐述了产品象征与消费的关系,指出产品象征的社会根源在于象征消费,并根据不同的消费需求对产品象征进行分类。
First, Olympic Symbol of intellectual property of the System about Australia, the United States, Britain and Canada with the use of comparative analysis. 首先,采用了比较分析的方法,考查了澳大利亚、美国、英国、加拿大关于奥林匹克标志保护的成功经验。
First is a symbol consumption theory content, including emphatically expounds the principle and the differences of symbol consumption of symbol consumption effect of advertisement. 首先是符号消费理论的内容,其中着重阐述了符号消费的差异性原则以及符号消费的广告效应。
People usually turn on the television viewing, the first symbol is the access to information show host, livelihood as a television news presenter as part of the dissemination of the most symbolic, the viewing public attention in the crawl play an important role. 通常人们在打开电视观看节目时,首先接触到的信息符号就是节目的主持人,主持人作为电视民生新闻栏目最具象化的传播符号,在抓取公众的收视注意力方面起着重要作用。
First the carrier frequency and symbol rate are estimated without prior knowledge. Then the signals are transformed to the baseband. 在没有先验知识的情况下,首先估计接收信号的载频和码速率,然后把信号下变频到基带。
First, its symbol error rate formula is derived, and, in the sense of OB, its bandwidth efficiency is investigated theoretically and experimentally. The results prove its superiority to traditional orthogonal methods. 首先,推导了NMT的误符号率理论公式,从理论和实验两方面分析了NMT在占用带宽意义下的频带利用率性能,证明了其优于传统调制方法。
The third chapter outlines the symbols and the art of the first symbols and their meaning, symbol is to convey the essence of reason and understanding to grasp. 第三章是首先简述了符号与艺术符号及其意义,符号是传达理性和把握本质的认知。
Second is a symbol consumption theory feature is first symbols are symbol consumption theory, and then is the soul of symbolic culture consumption. 其次是符号消费理论的特征首先是符号是符号消费理论的灵魂,然后是文化消费符号化。